Monday, June 24, 2019

Mobile First || Latest Technology Tools For Mobile || Latest News Of 2019 Mobile First


Mobile first is not exactly a new technology buzzword, but it will be accentuated in the years coming. Software providers have realized that users have many different interfaces to the Internet, and to access what they want. They’ve stopped assuming that users – and employees more specifically – do most of their works sitting at their desk in front of their PCs. There is hence the need to develop software and apps that are adapted to these alternative ways of working and use habits.

Quantum Computing Latest Technology News 2019 || News Technology Of 2019


Quantum Computing will continue being a major technology buzzword in 2019. In general quantum computers can solve much more complex problems than classical electronic computers by using quantum bits (qubits) instead of binary digits (bits). This means that the data doesn’t have to be limited to two defined states any more: 0 or 1. For this reason, quantum computing is much more flexible by allowing computations to be performed in parallel.

Microservices / Microservice Architecture || Latest Technology News 2019 || News Of Technology latest


The fifth of our technology buzzwords is more IT-related. The microservices, also known as microservice architecture, is a method of developing software systems different than the traditional one and that has grown in popularity over the past years. It is an architectural style structuring an application as a suite of deployable services that implement some business capabilities.

Cell Phone Funny Quotes || Funny Statement Of Cell Phones 2019

I Finally Realized ,

That People Are,

Prisoners Of Their,

Funny Quotes of 2019 Funny Videos Forever || Legendry funny quotes 2019

My Neighbors Were,

Yelling so loud at,

there kids to clean up ,

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Blockchain || Blockchain Developer || latest Technology news || Latest technology news of 2019


The blockchain is the trendiest trend of the past years that keeps growing. This IT buzzword was on everyone’s lips already in the last years, after it made history when in 2017, bitcoin increased its value from $1000 to roughly $20000 (20 times in one year!), but 2018 brought a major price correction that still hasn’t stopped – bitcoin decreased under $5000. Despite the challenges, blockchain technology has significant potential in providing an alternative trust model opposing banks, governments, and many other institutions.

Internet of Things (IOT) || Latest Technology News 2019 || Latest Technology news


Without a doubt, the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most influential IT & tech buzzwords of recent years and will continue to grow in popularity as its applications will become more and more tangible. Advancing society, connecting different systems, improving the quality of our lives – all these potential elements of the IoT is starting to correlate with our traditional perception of reality. The number of connecting devices is growing rapidly, and 2019 won’t be an exception to this trend.

Latest Technology of 2019 is 3D Alteration || technology || technology news of 2019

When 3D printers entered the market, its revolutionary road became faster with each material added to its printing list. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is the process of creating 3D objects via layers of materials. The latest is metal. Companies like HP and Nike have started to use 3D metal printing into their operations, creating alterations in the manufacturing sector.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) || latest technology of 2019 || latest technology news || 2019 Latest News

Already in our shortlist of tech buzzwords 2018, Artificial Intelligence is on the front scene for next year again. Scientists have been working on AI for years and in 2019 we will see some more new applications.
AI refers to the autonomous intelligent behavior of software or machines that have a human-like ability to make decisions and to improve over time by learning from experience. Currently, popular approaches include statistical methods, computational intelligence, and traditional symbolic AI. There are a large number of tools used in AI, including versions of search and mathematical optimization, logic, methods based on probability and economics, and many others. In business intelligence, we are evolving from static reports on what has already happened to proactive analytics with real-time dashboards assisting businesses with more accurate reporting. They indeed enable you to see what is happening at every moment and send alerts when something is off-trend. An important part of artificial intelligence comprises machine learning, and more specifically deep learning – that trend promises more powerful and fast machine learning. An exemplary application of this trend would be artificial Neural Networks (ANN) – the predictive analytics method of analyzing data. Neural networks create a system of interconnected layers with each subsequent layer acting as a filter for more and more complex features that combine those of the previous layer. This feature hierarchy and the filters which model significance in the data, make it possible for the layers to learn from experience. Thus, deep nets can crunch unstructured data that was previously not available for unsupervised analysis.

Immersive Experience || Latest Technology of 2019 || Latest Technology News ||

This technology buzzword will change the way people perceive reality. Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) are finding their way into business organizations, making customers and employees immersed into the purchase experience, or reducing errors during business operations, all interconnected with sophisticated devices intensifying the reality perception. Smart glasses, 3D rooms, sensors learning about users’ movements and using historical data, creates a powerful network of personalized experiences in the realm of services, products, and customer experience.

Friday, June 21, 2019

NASA New Mission To Study Sun, Its Effects On Space Weather Latest Technology News 2019 Mission Sun By NASA

NASAwill launch two new missions to advance our understanding of the Sun and its dynamic effects on space weather, the US space agency said.
One of the selected missions will study how the Sun drives particles and Energyinto the solar system and a second will study Earth's response, NASAsaid.
The Sun generates a vast outpouring of solar particles known as the solar wind, which can create a dynamic system of Radiationin space called space weather.





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