Monday, June 24, 2019

Mobile First || Latest Technology Tools For Mobile || Latest News Of 2019 Mobile First


Mobile first is not exactly a new technology buzzword, but it will be accentuated in the years coming. Software providers have realized that users have many different interfaces to the Internet, and to access what they want. They’ve stopped assuming that users – and employees more specifically – do most of their works sitting at their desk in front of their PCs. There is hence the need to develop software and apps that are adapted to these alternative ways of working and use habits.

Mobile first answered that need, by accommodating desktop computing in a way that fits the flexible work style of the mobile and smartphone era. As the name states, it designs the online experience for mobile before designing it for the desktop: a real change in paradigm. First an issue for B2C businesses who have to adjust to permanently changing consumers habit, it has reached the more defined, traditional working-style professional world, and B2B companies are increasingly moving towards mobile first – or at least, “mobile too”.
That is a trend that also came to the business intelligence world. Today, with solutions like datapine’s, you can take your data everywhere you go and work with it flawlessly. Data Analysis Tool have made the mobility possible, accessing data in real time, and providing insights while on-the-go. We know that modern businesses are not restricted to the physical limits of an office and the opportunity to access and work on your analytics whenever and wherever comes in handy. Digital nomadism is not just for hipster bloggers traveling the world – mobile BI accompanies you with its flexibility and ease of use, whichever device you chose to work with.
New Self-Service buisness intelligence tools will provide users with advanced analytics and friendly user interfaces that would enable autonomous and informed decision-making. Business people will be able to pull valuable data insights whenever and wherever they want, as mobile enables easy access on-the-fly. In theory, missed business decisions won’t belong in the future but some decision-makers will still ignore data and follow their guts – humans will remain the weakest part of the system.

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