Sunday, June 23, 2019

Internet of Things (IOT) || Latest Technology News 2019 || Latest Technology news


Without a doubt, the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most influential IT & tech buzzwords of recent years and will continue to grow in popularity as its applications will become more and more tangible. Advancing society, connecting different systems, improving the quality of our lives – all these potential elements of the IoT is starting to correlate with our traditional perception of reality. The number of connecting devices is growing rapidly, and 2019 won’t be an exception to this trend.

With the Internet of Things, the physical world will become one big information system. Everyday physical objects will be connected to the Internet and to each other creating the ambient intelligence. The new task of designers will be facilitating of an ambient user experience that smoothly flows across and exploits different devices. The device mesh refers to an expanding set of endpoints people use to access applications and information. It includes mobile devices, wearables, consumer and home electronic devices, automotive and environmental devices — all sensors in the Internet of Things that interact and cooperate with each other and that will constitute our Internet-connected reality.
The monetary value is also increasing, as more devices are becoming interconnected, bringing more potential to the computing networks of organizations. A Study Conducted by Mckinsey pointed out that the potential economic impact of IoT by the year 2025 could be equivalent to 11% of the world economy. Digitalizing vehicles, machines, physical objects to refine and upgrade our reality is indeed a powerful idea, that should be monitored in the year 2019.
While some may argue that Internet of Things is eating up our world, even creating smart cities, and not just used in business operations, the potential of one of the most important IT buzzwords must not be easily disregarded.
The major holdup right now preventing the “smart home” revolution from happening is that there are too many different platforms on the market and connectivity Issues. Google, Amazon, and Apple each have their own “ecosystems” that don’t play well with each other. However, it’s likely that soon this problem will be solved by the forces of innovation and capitalism – so keep an eye on this space in 2019.

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